One of the keys ways to reduce risk on a project is to have a project independently reviewed. This can happen at any stage of the project whether it be during the briefing or design phase, documentation, construction or hand over/occupation phase. This auditing and review process will ultimately make sure your project meets the objectives you intend it to deliver and thus maintain a low level of exposure through the process whether it be at stakeholder or tenenat levels.
Common types of review include the following:
- Due diligence.
- Project stratergy review.
- Budget/costing methodology review.
- Feasibility and brief review and re-establishment.
- Design and documentation review in accordance with clients/market requirements.
- Consultant co-ordination review.
- Buildability review.
- Contractor review in terms of resources, programming, OH&S, and quality systems.
- Construction program and trades sequencing review.
- Assessing work completed in accordance with contract.
- Assessment of defects and rectification.